Vange Primary School And Nursery

School Uniform

At Vange Primary School we are very proud of our pupils and how smart they look in their school uniform.

Please see below for a uniform list.

Our uniform identifies us as a school community, and we are proud of how smart our children are.

Our uniform policy outlines our expectations and how parents can purchase items.

We have taken into account the statutory guidance from the Department for Education around the purchase options for items of school uniform and have limited the number of branded items we expect children to wear. We also encourage parents to reuse and recycle items of uniform (branded and non-branded) at our pre-loved uniform sale.

Uniform List

EYFS, Year 1 and 2 

White polo shirt (badge preferable in summer)

Dark grey trousers/shorts

Navy pinafore dress or skirt

Navy blue V-necked knitted jumper (no sweatshirts) (badge preferable)

Grey socks, plain black shoes (no coloured stripes on trainers)

Plain white round neck t-shirt for PE**

Navy PE shorts

Black plimsolls or trainers

Navy track suit for outdoor PE

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6

White shirt with plain collar

Dark grey trousers/shorts

Navy pinafore dress or skirt

Navy blue V-necked knitted jumper (no sweatshirts) (badge preferable)

Navy blue tie with broad white stripe*

Grey socks, plain black shoes (no coloured stripes on trainers)

Plain white round neck t-shirt for PE**

Navy PE shorts

Black plimsolls or trainers

Navy track suit for outdoor PE



* The school will provide all children in Class 3 and 4 with their first tie and teach them to tie it.  Additional or replacement ties will be available for purchase from the school office thereafter.  When children move from Class 2 into Class 3, they will be presented with their first tie.*

** White round neck t-shirts with the school badge printed on will be available for purchase but these are optional.

Uniform Purchasing - UNIFORMWISE

Order forms for the uniform are in the school reception and monies need to be paid when ordering.  The orders will be scanned and sent to Uniformwise and they will deliver it within a few days, or you can visit the shop which is located at the Five Bells roundabout, Basildon, Fobbing SS17 9HE or you can telephone them on 01268 551888 or email