Admission Arrangements
Applying for a school place
Parents/Carers of children who are registered with the Health Authority (i.e. a GP) will automatically receive a booklet from Planning and Admissions and an application form. These are usually sent out in the October prior to the academic year your child is due to start. All parents must complete an application form regardless of whether you are in our catchment or not. Forms should be submitted to the Local Authority by the date stated on the form. Offers of places will be sent out at the beginning of April. No schools are able to offer places directly to parents.
If you are applying for any other year group, the process is the same but you will need to fill in a mid-year application form. This for can be obtained via Essex County Council, filled in online via their website or please ask at the school office for a copy. Essex County County Online Admissions
Admissions at Vange Primary School and Nursery
Our admissions policy can be found in the Schools Admission Policies Directory which is published each year by Essex County Council. A copy of our section in the directory can be found here.
Come and Visit Us!
After your child reaches the age of 3 years, come and have a look around the school. Our children enjoy greeting our visitors and always take pleasure in telling them about the things they have been learning in school. You can make an appointment with the school office