Breakfast Club
Breakfast club runs daily from 8am. The cost is £2 and places are bookable and payable in advance. The students have toast, cereal and a drink and then the opportunity to play in the Rainbow Room during the winter and outside when the weather is warmer. Some of the students like to use this time for reading or homework and staff are on hand to support with this.
Details from the school office
Stubbers Winter Programme
Each year, Stubbers visit the school for an afternoon each week to provide each year group with the opportunity for structured learning outdoors (as well as lighting fires, making hot chocolate and melting marshmallows!)
This year, the sessions are as follows:
31 October/7 November - Year 6
14 & 21 November - Year 5
28 November/5 December - Year 4
12 December/16 January - Year 3
23 & 30 January - Year 2
6 & 13 February - Year 1
27 February - Reception
Students will need outdoor clothes and sturdy footwear which they can bring in each week to change into after lunch.