Vange Primary School And Nursery


The Millhouse & Vange Schools’ Federation Governing Board

In October 2022, Millhouse Primary School & Nursery and Vange Primary School & Nursery formed a federation. From this date, there is one single governing board overseeing both schools. The governing board is comprised of 16 members, including the Executive Headteacher. In addition to this, the Heads of School are associate members with voting rights on all committees. All members are volunteers and do not get paid or receive any rewards.

We have set a strategic structure for the governing board which is made up by sub-committees as well as the full governing board (FGB). The sub-committees are responsible for the strategic oversight of the following areas: finance, personnel, premises and the curriculum and pupil standards. Each sub-committee meets at least once a term to discuss these areas. The FGB also meets every term.

Governors are expected to always have the best interests of all children and staff at the schools in mind. We visit the schools to carry out monitoring activities which allow us to fulfil our statutory responsibilities. Our expectation is that every governor visits the school once a term to do this. Some governors have additional monitoring responsibilities such as reporting on safeguarding or Special Educational Needs.

New governors receive induction training and a programme of professional development is delivered throughout the year for all governors. All governors have an enhanced DBS check and are vetted through the school’s safer recruitment process.

Any communication for the governing board should be addressed to the relevant governor or full governing board and sent to the school address or email.


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